Saturday, October 26, 2013

November 2013 Inspirements

November 2013

APPRENTICE (Knowledge)
Find two new concepts (you do not have to read the whole thing) from Chapter 3 of The Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe. Email me your findings (pictures, ideas, thoughts, etc.)
In class we will draw and learn a few principles of the equilateral triangle

Read, Physical Oceanography/ Biological Branch, pg. 25 - 28.  Study animals within one of the zones and choose a marine animal to do a report on. Use picture books or the internet or ask me, I have several books I’m willing to loan out.
In class we will go over last months experiments and review the zones

JOURNEYMAN (Understanding)
Find examples of the triangle in Nature, Architecture or Art and take a photo of them or draw them out or find them on the internet and email them to me.

Write and prepare a report on the animal you chose.  You may hand write or type it and it may be as long or short as you want.    Include in your report:  the animal, unique characteristics, what vertical zone and horizontal zone he lives (see reading assignment), what he eats, why you chose this specific marine animal and what is God’s purpose for this creature?  You may use any visual aids you want.  You may present it any way you desire (lecture, interactive, demonstration, etc.) you will have 5 minutes only.  You will turn in your report to me.

MASTER (Intelligence)
Answer:  How does God use triangles and/or the number three in the scriptures and in creation?  Why are triangles important to life? To YOU?  Bring the answers with you, include scripture examples.
Read about a Mathematician to share.

Answer: How does God use water in the scriptures?  What are some example of water animals in the scriptures or words of the prophets?  Name two analogies with marine/ocean animals used in the scriptures or words of the prophets.  If you were a marine animal what would you be and why?  Bring the answers with you. :)
Read about an Oceanographer, Mathew Fountain for example to share.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hydrosphere Terms

Please review these hydrosphere terms:

    1. Hydrosphere - the water contained on the Earth
      1. Oceanic Waters - Water found in the ocean
        1. Ocean - One of the four large bodies of salt water on the earth.
        2. Sea - a large area of salt water, smaller than an ocean, that is partly or completely enclosed by land (Mediterranean Sea)
        3. Wave - a moving ridge or swell on the surface of a body of water
        4. Current - a stream of water moving in a definite direction through the ocean; some are warm, some are cold
        5. Tides - the rise and fall of sea-level which usually occurs twice a day because of the attraction of the sun and moon. Spring Tide - high tides when the sun and moon pull together; Neap Tide - low tide when the sun and moon pull against each other.
        6. Bay - part of a body of water which reaches into the land, generally with a wide opening; smaller than a gulf
        7. Gulf - extension of an ocean or a sea into the land (Gulf of Mexico)
        8. Strait - a narrow waterway connecting two large bodies of water
        9. Sound - a body of water separating one or more islands from the mainland
        10. Harbor - a bay or inlet of water deep enough for anchoring a ship which provides protection from winds, waves, and currents
        11. Iceberg - a large floating mass of ice detached from a glacier
        12. Coral Reef - a ridge of rock or sand at or near the surface of water
        13. Ocean floor - the bottom of the ocean, consisting of mountain, valleys, plains and trenches.
        14. Continental Shelf - a shallow underwater plain forming a border around a continent, usually ending with a steep slope to the deep ocean floor
        15. Continental Slope - the deep drop off after the continental shelf
        16. Trench - a long, steep-sided, narrow depression in the ocean floor
        17. Basin - a circular depression of the earth's surface; on the ocean floor
        18. Mountain - a natural elevation of the Earth’s surface; rising from the ocean floor
        19. Guyot - a raised plateau under the ocean, named after Arnold Guyot
      2. Continental Waters - waters found on the continent
        1. River / Stream - a large stream of water flowing through land
        2. Source - the place where a river begins, usually in highlands
        3. Up Stream - the direction from which a river flows
        4. Down Stream - the direction toward which a river flows
        5. Mouth - the place where a river flows into a larger body of water
        6. Tributary - a river or stream that flows into a larger river
        7. Delta - land deposited at the mouth of a river
        8. Lakes - an inland a body of water, smaller than a sea; fresh water lake (with both inlet and outlet)or salt water lake (water entering with no outlet)
        9. Reservoir - a lake where water is stored for future use; sometimes formed by a dam
        10. Channel - a deep, narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies of water; the deeper part of a waterway
        11. Canal - a man-made ditch for transportation or irrigation
        12. Glacier - a large body of slowly moving ice
        13. Ice Sheet - a glacier forming on an extensive area of relatively level land and flowing outward from its center
        14. Ground Water - the water found beneath the surface of the ground; the source of water in springs and wells
      3. Water Vegetation
      4. Water Animals
      5. Water Cycle
      6. Oceanographer - one who studies the ocean