Thursday, February 27, 2014

Eureka! March 12, 2014

March 12, 2014
NOTE:  This is NOT about spirals or pentagrams, please don’t study them, that will be next months assignment - concentrate on only the number 5 and pentagons.  

APPRENTICE (Knowledge/mind)
  1. Look through chapter 5 of The Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe.  You do not have to read the whole thing, just discover five NEW things about the pentagon or the number 5 that you do not already know right now. Email me what you learned, your findings, pictures, ideas, thoughts, any new concepts from your study. Bring a item that represents the number five OR a pentagon to class.

We’ll do an experiment in class and I’ll have you write out your experience afterwards.

JOURNEYMAN (Understanding/heart)
1.Find examples of the pentagon in Nature, Architecture or Art and take a photo of them, draw them out or find them on the internet. Email me  your answers.
2.Bring a written paragraph or list to class about your findings (you’ll turn this in to me).

Read anything about the how water, heat and wind affects weather.
Email me your findings.

MASTER (Intelligence/soul)
Write a report (2 full pages double spaced, 12 font) about anything you want.  Be creative!  If you add anything about weather or geometry you’ll get bonus points, but it is not required.
You’ll present this report in class.
(Example report:  first paragraph describing pentagons or five.  Second, third and fourth paragraph quoting scripture, giving examples of pentagons or the number five.  Last paragraph ties it together, this is where you state how it relates to you personally.)

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Some of you are having trouble finding platonic solids in nature.  I think this will help you:

  1. Look for gems, metals, crystals, microscopic organisms and plants.   
  2. Don't think that it has to be exact.  For example find squares, triangles or pentagons in flowers.
  3. Dig a little deeper or outside the box and find chemical compounds in these shapes.
Email me if with your questions or you need help.


Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 2014 requirements

February 2014

APPRENTICE (Knowledge)
 Read in chapter 4 of The Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe only pages 80 (3rd paragraph starting with “We can perceive..”) through page 89 (half way down ending with “…patterns we can sense.” You do not have to read the whole thing, just discover the relationship between the volumes and three interesting facts.  (There is some Hindu beliefs written in this section - skip them if you wish - we will discuss in class the scriptural meanings).  
  Email me what you learned, your findings, pictures, ideas, thoughts, any new concepts from your reading.
  Bring a item or drawing that is equal on ALL sides to share with the class.
In class we will create equal spheres and learn a few spiritual principles of them so bring your compasses. 😄

 Read anything about atmosphere.
  Email me what your findings.

JOURNEYMAN (Understanding)
 Find examples of the platonic volumes in Nature, Architecture or Art and take a photo of them or draw them out or find them on the internet or see what the prophets have said about these volumes.   Email me what your answers.  
 Bring a written paragraph or list to class about your findings (you’ll turn this in to me).

1.  Draw out the levels of atmosphere, if you can’t find them call me.

MASTER (Intelligence)
Write a report (full page) answering the following questions:  How does God use equality in the scriptures and in creation?  What are some examples in nature?  Why is this important to life?  to YOU?  You’ll give this report in class.

Example report:  first paragraph describing equality.  Second, third and fourth paragraph quoting scripture, giving examples of equality.  Last paragraph ties it together.  This is where you state how it relates to you personally.