Saturday, August 31, 2013

Here is an example of how the 7 R's of Retaining relate to Math and Science:

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Clarification on The Great Plan of Happiness Notebook

I want to clarify the requirement of creating your Great Plan of Happiness Notebook:

This is an on going project throughout the year and throughout your life.  Below is the exact invitation from President Boyd K. Packer.  This does not need to be a huge project.  It can be as simple as drawing out The Plan or collecting some articles or listing doctrines found in The Plan or comparing God's Plan of Happiness to Satan's Plan of Misery and then placing them in a folder.  How you create it is completely up to you.  I just want you to really understand the importance and the great privilege we have of knowing The Plan.  We will be referring to it throughout the year, if not every class.  Keep adding to it.

Excited to spend Friday with you.

In 1993 Elder Boyd K. Packer, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, told teachers in the Church Educational System that along with a brief overview of the subject to be studied they should give an overview of the plan of salvation at the beginning of every school year:
“A brief overview of the ‘plan of happiness’ (which is my choice, my favorite title, in talking of the plan), if given at the very beginning and revisited occasionally, will be of immense value to your students.

“I have an assignment for you. … You are assigned to prepare a brief synopsis or overview of the plan of happiness—the plan of salvation. Design it as a framework on which your students can organize the truths you will share with them.

“At first you may think that a simple assignment. I assure you, it is not. Brevity and simplicity are remarkably difficult to achieve. At first you will be tempted to include too much. The plan in its fulness encompasses every gospel truth. …
“This may be the most difficult, and surely the most rewarding, assignment of your teaching career.
“Your overview of the plan of happiness should be but a sweeping glance across the unfolded scroll of scriptural truths. Your students can thereafter locate themselves in respect to the plan. …
“I will give you the barest outline of the plan as a beginning, but you must assemble your framework yourself.
“The essential components of the great plan of happiness, of redemption, of salvation, are these:
“Premortal existence
Spiritual creation
War in heaven
Physical creation
The Fall and mortality
Principles and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ (first principles: faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, …)
The Atonement
Life beyond the grave
Spirit world
Resurrection” (The Great Plan of Happiness, 2–3).

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Math Supplies

Here are a few school supplies we will be using for Eureka!  

  • math compass, 
  • straight edge, 
  • plain paper - to go in their notebook, 
  • pencils, 
  • colored pencils,
  • pencil sharpener, 
  • erasers, 
  • old magazines with ocean pictures and water animals to cut out, or you can print them out.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Book Titles for Recommended Reading

Most if not all of them can be found at the library.

Pagoo by Holling C. Holling ($10) The ocean and tide pool from the view point of a crab - see Queen Homeschool for a study guide with this book.

Paddle-to-the-Sea by Holling C. Holling ($10)

The Sea Around Us by Rachel Carson ($15)

Under the Sea-Wind by Rachel Carson ($12)

The Edge of the Sea by Rachel Carson ($12)

The Desert Beneath the Sea by Ann McGovern ($4)

An Octopus is Amazing (Let's Read and Find Out Science)

Elephant Seal Island (A Science I Can Read Book)

Red Tag Comes Back (A Science I Can Read Book)

Seahorse (A Science I Can Read Book)

Exploring the Deep, Dark Sea (Gail Gibbons)

Life in a Tidal Pool (Silverstein)

Any Gail Gibbon books or Let’s Read and Find Out Science books

Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh  about life messages from sea shells

There are several articles about sea creatures in the Friend and a talk given in General Conference by Gordon B. Hinckley we will be using also.  Those links will be given at the month we will be studying them.

Saturday, August 10, 2013


APPRENTICE - Doctrine - The “Why”
  • Read “The Great Plan of Happiness” or the seminary version: Great Plan of Happiness by President Boyd K. Packer and begin creating a Plan of Happiness binder as Packer describes.
  • Make a title page for Math and one for Science - be creative and include your name.
  • Review the Creation found in Genesis and Moses.  

Choose one or more of the following MATH activities and be ready to share in class:
1 - Review the Plan of Happiness, how many different ways can you draw out the Plan?  See Teaching our Children the Plan in the September 2001 Ensign for ideas.
2 - Name 4 characteristics of Christ revealed in math (example Unchangeable).  Write them down in your Reflections Journal and explain why & how.
3 -  Create an art work of the Plan of Happiness using paint, pencil, torn paper, etc. and share it with the class.
4 - Construct the Plan of Happiness in geometrical shapes that tell a story.
5 - Come up with 5 questions concerning the Plan of Happiness (can be questions you have answers for or questions you want the answers to.)

Choose one or more of the following SCIENCE activities and be ready to share in class:
1 - Review the Creation.  What happened each day?  What sciences are manifest in each day of Creation.  Write it out in your Reflections Journal.  Watch The Creation video by Elder Russell M. Nelson.
2- Write a poem or story about the creation using the sciences - Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Geology, Meteorology, Oceanography, Botany, Zoology, Humanology.
3 - How many different ways can you draw out the Creation?  Draw them out and share them with the class.
4 - Where and How does the Creation fit into the Plan of Happiness?  Write the answer in your Reflection Journal and share it.
5 - Come up with 5 questions concerning the Creation and/or Water. (can be questions you have answers for or questions you want the answers to.)

JOURNEYMAN - Principles - The “What” 
  • Read chapter 1 in The Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe by Michael Schieder. Write down your aha’s and questions in your Reflections Journal and bring them to class to discuss. 

  • Learn the definitions of Hydrosphere, Lithosphere and Atmosphere and know their relationship to each other.  What common ingredient can be found in each sphere?

Choose one or more of the following GEOMETRY activities and be ready to share in class:
1 - Write out 10 ways and/or science principles found in the Plan of Happiness (Omniscient, endless, creation, organization, etc.).
2 - Write or draw the principles of a circle and find examples of each.  Find 3 of the 12 names of Christ found in the principles of a circle.
3 - Find 3 songs, hymns or poems that contain circle (math) words, analogies or numbers and share them and why you chose them.
4 - Do a word study of circle include 1828 dictionary definitions, scriptures, prophets words, quotations and your own definition.
5 - Write the history of mathematics, when was it created, did it have a beginning?  What is God’s purpose for mathematics?  Why should I study mathematics?  What can I learn about God from studying mathematics?

Choose one or more of the following OCEANOGRAPHY activities and be ready to share in class:
1  - Find and write in your Reflections Journal 6 principles of water (example:  baptism water symbolizes: cleansing, burial, rebirth, etc.).
2 - Diagram the Water Cycle using your own drawings, paintings, collage, 3D model or a working model.
3 - Find 4 songs, hymns or poems that contain oceans or water analogies and share them.
4 - Do a word study on oceans or large bodies of water, include 1828 dictionary definitions, scriptures, prophets words, quotations and your own definition.
5 - Write the history of oceans, when were they created? Are they getting bigger or deeper? How salty are they? What is God’s purpose for oceans?  Share an analogy using oceans.

MASTER - Application - The “How”
  • Read anything about Archimedes and come prepared to share and discuss his life and discoveries.  Search your library or the internet or your home.   Write your discoveries in your Reflections Journal.
  • Ready any non-fiction book/s about oceanography
Choose one or more of the following GEOMETRY activities and be ready to share in class:
1 - Read the history of Geometry.  Where did it begin?  Why was the knowledge of Geometry so powerful and sought after?
2 - Find geometry examples in the scriptures.  Keep your minds open and be creative, there is geometry in all things.
3 - Create a geometric art piece using only the math compass and straight edge.
4 - Write a report about geometry use your own charts and drawings to enhance the report.

Choose one or more of the following OCEANOGRAPHY activities and be ready to share in class:
1  - Act out the creation using hydrosphere as your focus.
2 - Write a report about the history of oceanography.  Who first began to study the ocean?
3 - Read a non-fiction book about oceanography and share your discoveries
4 -  Write a report on the oceans in the scriptures use your own charts and drawings to enhance the report.
5 - Share an activity with water that will teach the class principles of the gospel and share it.
6 - Create your own activity (get permission from your parents or Sister Neil, first)