This is an on going project throughout the year and throughout your life. Below is the exact invitation from President Boyd K. Packer. This does not need to be a huge project. It can be as simple as drawing out The Plan or collecting some articles or listing doctrines found in The Plan or comparing God's Plan of Happiness to Satan's Plan of Misery and then placing them in a folder. How you create it is completely up to you. I just want you to really understand the importance and the great privilege we have of knowing The Plan. We will be referring to it throughout the year, if not every class. Keep adding to it.
Excited to spend Friday with you.
In 1993 Elder Boyd K. Packer, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, told teachers in the Church Educational System that along with a brief overview of the subject to be studied they should give an overview of the plan of salvation at the beginning of every school year:
“A brief overview of the ‘plan of happiness’ (which is my choice, my favorite title, in talking of the plan), if given at the very beginning and revisited occasionally, will be of immense value to your students.
“I have an assignment for you. … You are assigned to prepare a brief synopsis or overview of the plan of happiness—the plan of salvation. Design it as a framework on which your students can organize the truths you will share with them.
“At first you may think that a simple assignment. I assure you, it is not. Brevity and simplicity are remarkably difficult to achieve. At first you will be tempted to include too much. The plan in its fulness encompasses every gospel truth. …
“This may be the most difficult, and surely the most rewarding, assignment of your teaching career.
“Your overview of the plan of happiness should be but a sweeping glance across the unfolded scroll of scriptural truths. Your students can thereafter locate themselves in respect to the plan. …
“I will give you the barest outline of the plan as a beginning, but you must assemble your framework yourself.
“The essential components of the great plan of happiness, of redemption, of salvation, are these:
“Premortal existence
Spiritual creation
War in heaven
Physical creation
The Fall and mortality
Principles and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ (first principles: faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, …)
The Atonement
Life beyond the grave
Spirit world
Resurrection” (The Great Plan of Happiness, 2–3).
Spiritual creation
War in heaven
Physical creation
The Fall and mortality
Principles and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ (first principles: faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, …)
The Atonement
Life beyond the grave
Spirit world
Resurrection” (The Great Plan of Happiness, 2–3).
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